Bedrooms | Diningrooms | Wall Units | Sofas

 Technical Information

  G Y D
Silvery 1220 1850 520
Cutlery 510 1850 520
Console 1800 1525 520
Table 1520 - 1920 770 1000
Tv Unit 1050 1590 530

Instalation Diagra

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Silvery: Modular lighting and glass frames in eye-catching way to present the accessory offers. Also on site are protected

by metal bracket 4 drawer upright on shelves through PVC foil adhesive lived in every corner of your room

is modern image.

Table: Resealable in the middle pane, providing ease and comfort to your taste with dining table has a gorgeous

design. Thanks to this table, the crowd welcomes guests will never have to think twice.

Console: Glass frames your eyes while addressing, 4 drawer located on the brake with PVC foil products offer a

modern twist. Radius within the mirror “LED” lighting system at night in a dim environment offers an enjoyable


TV Stand: Effortless and fun for the course of a television offers the possibility to put the receiver on. Brake drawer

eye on PVC foil accessories caters to your taste.

Cutlery: Spoon into the mounted lighting while providing ease of use, thanks to glass frames you acces to all the

pleasures of elegance.